lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

6. Representative images of chernobyl before and later

It can happen that the Japanese arrange the problem, but if it is not like that, we have her clear. There exists the sensation that the whole world is far enough like in order that something happens to him, clearly, except the Japanese who seem to do deaf ears, but the truth is that we are not sure of anything, not that class of lies are putting us. So we create this post with three articles, in one one counts Chernobyl's tragedy, in the second one one speaks about the lies that can be making a detour to what really is happening in the Japanese head office and in the third party on the possible consequences that all that can bring.

The accident began when the operators shot the turbine to carry out the experiment that they were claiming. The condition of the reactor in this moment, with a flow of refrigeration superior to the normal one and the neutron poisons extracted in many major proportion to the allowed, they did that the reactor was in regime of supermoderation, with what the originated transitory one provoked a sudden increase of reactivity that could not be compensated. Once produced the transitory one, should have worked the automatic system of protection of the reactor, part of which was disconnected. The explosion that continued later provoked the physical destruction of the reactor and the cover. To give idea of the great liberation of energy, it will be said that particles of plutonium reached 2 km from altitude.

During an experiment to verify if the energy of the turbines could generate sufficient electricity for the bombs of refrigeration of the reactors in case of failure (court of the electrical supply that guarantees the refrigeration of the reactors), a mistake provoked an enormous raise of power that caused the overheating of the core of the reactor number 4 and there provoked his explosion, which gave place to the formation of a radioactive giant cloud that affected with different intensities the whole European continent.
Due to the given circumstances and the political Soviet secretismo, there are many details that we will never be able to know.
The quantity of dioxide of uranium, carbide of boron, oxide of europeep, erbium, alloys of circonio, graphite and beams gamma liberated in the explosion, was 500 times

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