lunes, 6 de junio de 2011
6. Representative images of chernobyl before and later
It can happen that the Japanese arrange the problem, but if it is not like that, we have her clear. There exists the sensation that the whole world is far enough like in order that something happens to him, clearly, except the Japanese who seem to do deaf ears, but the truth is that we are not sure of anything, not that class of lies are putting us. So we create this post with three articles, in one one counts Chernobyl's tragedy, in the second one one speaks about the lies that can be making a detour to what really is happening in the Japanese head office and in the third party on the possible consequences that all that can bring.
The accident began when the operators shot the turbine to carry out the experiment that they were claiming. The condition of the reactor in this moment, with a flow of refrigeration superior to the normal one and the neutron poisons extracted in many major proportion to the allowed, they did that the reactor was in regime of supermoderation, with what the originated transitory one provoked a sudden increase of reactivity that could not be compensated. Once produced the transitory one, should have worked the automatic system of protection of the reactor, part of which was disconnected. The explosion that continued later provoked the physical destruction of the reactor and the cover. To give idea of the great liberation of energy, it will be said that particles of plutonium reached 2 km from altitude.
During an experiment to verify if the energy of the turbines could generate sufficient electricity for the bombs of refrigeration of the reactors in case of failure (court of the electrical supply that guarantees the refrigeration of the reactors), a mistake provoked an enormous raise of power that caused the overheating of the core of the reactor number 4 and there provoked his explosion, which gave place to the formation of a radioactive giant cloud that affected with different intensities the whole European continent.
Due to the given circumstances and the political Soviet secretismo, there are many details that we will never be able to know.
The quantity of dioxide of uranium, carbide of boron, oxide of europeep, erbium, alloys of circonio, graphite and beams gamma liberated in the explosion, was 500 times
5. Parallel of the catastrophe of chernobyl and japon
" The situation turned so critical that they do not have any more, apparently, the aptitude to make deposit sweet water to refresh the reactor and stabilize it, and now, as last end, they must resort to the water of sea ", said Robert Alvarez, specialist in nuclear disarmament of the Institute of Political Studies of Washington.
What happens nowadays in the head office is a total loss of supply of the systems of refrigeration, exterior and interior (assured in this case for generators diesel).
This total fault " is considered to be like extremely improbable but it is a topic of great worry for decades ", made clear Ken Bergeron, a physicist who is employed on simulations of accidents at reactors.
" We are in an unknown area ", was added by it.
Fukushima's reactors have been
The situation turned so critical that they do not have any more, apparently, the aptitude to make deposit sweet water to refresh the reactor and stabilize it, and now, as last end, they must resort to the water of sea ", said Robert Alvarez, specialist in nuclear disarmament of the Institute of Political Studies of Washington.
What happens nowadays in the head office is a total loss of supply of the systems of refrigeration, exterior and interior (assured in this case for generators diesel).
This total fault " is considered to be like extremely improbable but it is a topic of great worry for decades ", made clear Ken Bergeron, a physicist who is employed on simulations of accidents at reactors.
What happens nowadays in the head office is a total loss of supply of the systems of refrigeration, exterior and interior (assured in this case for generators diesel).
This total fault " is considered to be like extremely improbable but it is a topic of great worry for decades ", made clear Ken Bergeron, a physicist who is employed on simulations of accidents at reactors.
" We are in an unknown area ", was added by it.
Fukushima's reactors have been
The situation turned so critical that they do not have any more, apparently, the aptitude to make deposit sweet water to refresh the reactor and stabilize it, and now, as last end, they must resort to the water of sea ", said Robert Alvarez, specialist in nuclear disarmament of the Institute of Political Studies of Washington.
What happens nowadays in the head office is a total loss of supply of the systems of refrigeration, exterior and interior (assured in this case for generators diesel).
This total fault " is considered to be like extremely improbable but it is a topic of great worry for decades ", made clear Ken Bergeron, a physicist who is employed on simulations of accidents at reactors.
4. Since it affects the radiation in the atmosphere in the human being
The atoms can become radioactive when they are unstable. Elements like the uranium, which is used commonly in the nuclear plants, do not have a stable form in the nature and are always radioactive. In this condition, the cores of the atoms happen for a process of disintegration, during which a lot of energy is liberated. This energy includes beams gamma, neutrons, electrons and particles alpha and thread that they are shot across the space.
The radiation does not affect all the persons of the same form, and the effect is determined by the dose, the time of exhibition and the distance to the source of the radiation.
We start by mentioning that the radioactivity takes place as consequence of the disintegration of the cores of the atoms. This way, for example, the principal
radioactive present material in Fukushima's head office is the uranium (one of them possesses also plutonium). When this element disintegrates it liberates a powerful radiation and there are formed radioactive cesium and iodine that, in turn, they separate into its elements in other elements, losing progressively his radioactive capacity.
If the dose of radiation is small, the human cells are capable of repairing the caused hurt or of replacing the cells died as consequence of the radiation in a process of regeneramiento normally. But if the dose is raised, there takes place the destruction of a great number of cells and / or the induction of cancers as consequence of irreversible hurts in the DNA that they could not have been repaired, provoking this way the generative mutations. Or, that if the quantity of radiation is relatively small, the same cells by means of a constitutive process of them themselves are capable of putting a brake to the radiation, but if the quantities are excessive, it is when the problems take place.
3. Uses of reactor from the catastrophe
The failures of the systems of refrigeration that suffer the reactors of three nuclear plants in Japan immediately after the earthquake of last Friday have untied the alarm before a possible atomic catastrophe.
The merger of the core constitutes one of the most serious accidents that can produce to him in a reactor of an atomic plant, as consequence of overheating of the nuclear fuel, which can unleash the liberation of radioactive material to the atmosphere.
The world has more than 400 nuclear reactors in 29 nations, with 64 more under construction. Disaster rather than industry growth exposes the need for industry review and regulation updates, suggests this YaleGlobal series. The accident at the Fukushima power plant in Japan revealed that global emergency-response and safety standards currently in place may be inadequate for aging reactors, anticipated industry growth or severe weather events, explains analyst Richard Weitz in the second and final article of the series. Individual nations are responsible for safety of their nuclear activities; during accidents the IAEA offers resources. At the very least, the IAEA must review and strengthen standards for multiple-cause disasters, natural or intentional, Weitz urges. On-site inspections and requirements on reporting accidents could also be in order. All nations have a strong interest to prevent the tremendous costs, loss of life and cross-border chaos of a nuclear catastrophe unfolding anywhere in the world.
The merger of the core constitutes one of the most serious accidents that can produce to him in a reactor of an atomic plant, as consequence of overheating of the nuclear fuel, which can unleash the liberation of radioactive material to the atmosphere.
The world has more than 400 nuclear reactors in 29 nations, with 64 more under construction. Disaster rather than industry growth exposes the need for industry review and regulation updates, suggests this YaleGlobal series. The accident at the Fukushima power plant in Japan revealed that global emergency-response and safety standards currently in place may be inadequate for aging reactors, anticipated industry growth or severe weather events, explains analyst Richard Weitz in the second and final article of the series. Individual nations are responsible for safety of their nuclear activities; during accidents the IAEA offers resources. At the very least, the IAEA must review and strengthen standards for multiple-cause disasters, natural or intentional, Weitz urges. On-site inspections and requirements on reporting accidents could also be in order. All nations have a strong interest to prevent the tremendous costs, loss of life and cross-border chaos of a nuclear catastrophe unfolding anywhere in the world.
2. Classes of radioactivity
It is a type of slightly penetrating radiation that can be stopped by a simple leaf of paper. Rutherford suggested that the beams alpha are ions of atoms of Helium (He2 +) moving rapidly, and in 1909 it demonstrated it experimentally.
This type of radiation is issued by cores of heavy elements placed at the end of the periodic table (A> 100). These cores have many protons and the electrical repulsion is very strong, for what they tend to obtain N approximately equally to Z, and for it a particle issues alpha. In the process there becomes detached a lot of energy that turns into the kinetic energy of the particle alpha, that is to say that these particles go out with very high speeds.
It appears for any type of core, but it is typical of cores with excess of neutrons, that is to say N> Z. It is a mechanism used by the cores to come to the line of stability (N approximately equal Z)
The radiation Thread - consists of the spontaneous emission of electrons on the part of the cores, but in the core only there are protons and neutrons, how can it issue electrons? In 1934 Fermiexplicó this radiation supposing that in the disintegration thread less, a neutron transforms in a proton, an electron and an antineutrino by means of the reaction:
N0----> p + + and - + antineutrino
Radiation gamma
In this type of radiation the core does not lose his identity. By means of this radiation the core parts with the energy that it exceeds him to go on to another condition of lower energy. It issues beams gamma, or very energetic photons. This type of emission accompanies on the radiations alpha and thread.
It is a very penetrating radiation, crosses the human body and only it is stopped by plates of lead and thick walls of concrete. To the being so penetrating and so energetic, of three types of radiation it is the most dangerous.
It is a type of slightly penetrating radiation that can be stopped by a simple leaf of paper. Rutherford suggested that the beams alpha are ions of atoms of Helium (He2 +) moving rapidly, and in 1909 it demonstrated it experimentally.
This type of radiation is issued by cores of heavy elements placed at the end of the periodic table (A> 100). These cores have many protons and the electrical repulsion is very strong, for what they tend to obtain N approximately equally to Z, and for it a particle issues alpha. In the process there becomes detached a lot of energy that turns into the kinetic energy of the particle alpha, that is to say that these particles go out with very high speeds.
It appears for any type of core, but it is typical of cores with excess of neutrons, that is to say N> Z. It is a mechanism used by the cores to come to the line of stability (N approximately equal Z)
The radiation Thread - consists of the spontaneous emission of electrons on the part of the cores, but in the core only there are protons and neutrons, how can it issue electrons? In 1934 Fermiexplicó this radiation supposing that in the disintegration thread less, a neutron transforms in a proton, an electron and an antineutrino by means of the reaction:
N0----> p + + and - + antineutrino
Radiation gamma
In this type of radiation the core does not lose his identity. By means of this radiation the core parts with the energy that it exceeds him to go on to another condition of lower energy. It issues beams gamma, or very energetic photons. This type of emission accompanies on the radiations alpha and thread.
It is a very penetrating radiation, crosses the human body and only it is stopped by plates of lead and thick walls of concrete. To the being so penetrating and so energetic, of three types of radiation it is the most dangerous.
1. That is a radioactivity
The radioactivity has been a term, that even there not being known the nature of his origin, in occasions, generates dread. Many of the times, the dread that has been generated on the use of the radioactive materia is not an alone product of the ignorance that is had on the materials, his definition, typical of the materials, control, between others, but from the serious problems to the health and to the own nature that has been generated by the use of materials that have this property and of the serious form in which these materials are controlled.
The radioactivity is a property of the isotopes that are "unstable". It is to say that they are kept in a condition excited in his electronic or nuclear caps, with what to reach his fundamental condition they must lose energy. They do it in electromagnetic emission or in emission of particles with a certain kinetic energy. This takes place changing the energy of his electrons (issuing X-rays), his nucleones (I get crazy gamma) or changing the isotope (on having issued from the core electrons, positrons, neutrons, protons or heavier particles), and in several successive steps, with what a heavy isotope can end turning into much more light one, as the Uranium that with to pass of the centuries finishes turning into lead.
The study of the new phenomenon and his later development owes almost exclusively to the marriage Curie, who found other radioactive substances as the torio, polonio and I remove. The intensity of the issued radiation was proportional to the quantity of present uranium, for what dedujo Marie Curie that the radioactivity was an atomic property. The phenomenon of the radioactivity originates exclusively in the core of the radioactive atoms. It is believed that the reason that originates it is due to the interaction neutron - proton of the same one. On having studied the radiation issued by the radius there was verified that it was complex, since on having applied a magnetic field to him it departs from her it was turning aside of his path and other one divides not.
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