lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

1. That is a radioactivity

The radioactivity has been a term, that even there not being known the nature of his origin, in occasions, generates dread. Many of the times, the dread that has been generated on the use of the radioactive materia is not an alone product of the ignorance that is had on the materials, his definition, typical of the materials, control, between others, but from the serious problems to the health and to the own nature that has been generated by the use of materials that have this property and of the serious form in which these materials are controlled.
The radioactivity is a property of the isotopes that are "unstable". It is to say that they are kept in a condition excited in his electronic or nuclear caps, with what to reach his fundamental condition they must lose energy. They do it in electromagnetic emission or in emission of particles with a certain kinetic energy. This takes place changing the energy of his electrons (issuing X-rays), his nucleones (I get crazy gamma) or changing the isotope (on having issued from the core electrons, positrons, neutrons, protons or heavier particles), and in several successive steps, with what a heavy isotope can end turning into much more light one, as the Uranium that with to pass of the centuries finishes turning into lead.
The study of the new phenomenon and his later development owes almost exclusively to the marriage Curie, who found other radioactive substances as the torio, polonio and I remove. The intensity of the issued radiation was proportional to the quantity of present uranium, for what dedujo Marie Curie that the radioactivity was an atomic property. The phenomenon of the radioactivity originates exclusively in the core of the radioactive atoms. It is believed that the reason that originates it is due to the interaction neutron - proton of the same one. On having studied the radiation issued by the radius there was verified that it was complex, since on having applied a magnetic field to him it departs from her it was turning aside of his path and other one divides not.

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